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Hell Is Other People's Internet

Good things can come in small packages. Case in point, postcards! Working within the confines of a 4x6 piece of real estate forces you to get creative. Here are a few of my favorite tiny prints…

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Taking a familiar saying and modifying it just beyond the point of expectation creates an immediate feeling of fellowship within the reader—just like that, you’re in on the joke together. When Sartre said “Hell is other people” he hit the existential nail on the head. This postcard sets the same stage (pun intended) but applies the emotional punch to a modern problem (slow internet) creating a delightful, darkly funny twist. It positions Pilot as an ally in a shared plight rather than another ISP peddling the same old slow, unreliable internet that plagues us all.


Most people don’t know jack about ISPs. For this postcard, it was critical to include plenty of contextualizing vocab (more generic words like internet and bandwidth) along with technical value props and product details to reach people of all digital literacy backgrounds. The phrase in bold on the back “We’re rewriting the ABCs of ISPs” energetically captures the disruptive mission of Pilot. The phrase in bold on the front of the card “Internet that gets down to business” captures more of an esprit de corps than “Business Internet Offerings”, positioning Pilot as an internet provider that’s on your side rather than on your nerves. What makes this a perfect door-to-door asset? It has all the critical details about Pilot’s brand value, service offerings, and a clear CTA for follow-up.


“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that not all ISPs are created equal.”

Being the new kid on the block ain’t easy. When Pilot expanded to Philly, we wanted to create messaging that gestured to the unique history of the city and shared our friendly, nerdy brand voice. The copy here is meant to tap into and celebrate the revolutionary spirit of the city. The preamble to the Declaration of Independence is a visionary piece of writing, and using that familiar phrase as a springboard helps emphasize Pilot’s mission as a disruptor. For a city that’s no stranger to bold players, it made sense to lead with the trailblazing aspects of our brand personality.

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This postcard was part of a surprise-and-delight touchpoint for prospects. The marketing team sent chocolate-covered pretzels to each potential customer, and we were asked to create a simple print asset to contextualize the treats. Slow, unreliable internet is a drag. With Pilot, your team can actually focus on the things they care about. So we made this snazzy card to remind businesses that la dolce vita is only a phone call away!


Bret Lawrence · Lead Copywriter
Nita Kim · Designer
Ben Osheyack · Designer